This section is titled "Faire Virgins" because on the newsgroup alt.fairs.renaissance, a person who is new to faire is called such. 19,980 visits (3 today, 85 this week, 272 this month, 272 this year, 17 yesterday. Best day was 9,372 visitors.) |
In our strive to become a place people come for information, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to share a bit of our knowledge in how to welcome someone to the faire. The faire can be addictive. How many of us thought that one day we'd be wearing tights or a bodice and running around at a festival? For some this may have come naturally, but for most of us it took some work (or perhaps some alcohol) to be bold enough to join the festivities. Below you will find a listing of the pages in this section. They are not listed in order of what you should do first, as we believe each person should follow their own path to becoming a rennie! Happy reading, and we'll see you at faire soon!
We have found that when wanting someone to join you in your addiction to the faire, there are two definitely steps to getting them into it. First, you need to get them TO a faire...and then you need to get them in garb. Once they're in the environment and into the clothes of the time, everything else just flows... |
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